PDF Forms Filler

Configure PDF Forms, Fill it and generate PDF documents in bulk based off a PDF Form template using VectorViewer APIs

VectorViewer - zero-footprint
Configure Form Templates
  • Design your Forms in your favorite PDF Editor softwares or get it online for use cases like IRS Forms and others.
  • Once the form template is ready you can easily Upload them into the VectorViewer Dashboard. These are the templates with placeholders for the forms you want to generate for your users
VectorViewer Easy and Effortless setup
Generate User Forms
  • Use VectorViwer APIs and pass on data for all the users you want to generate the form for. VectorViweer will create filled forms that can be directly sent to users.
  • Track history of all the forms that was generated to your users all in one dashboard. For additional details invoke our details APIs to get more detailed information.
Edit Form Templates
  • Make updates to the form templates and maintain different versions of the forms easily in the dashboard. This is important since form templates get updated every year.
  • Preview all your forms in the VectorViewer dashboard. You can also preview any previous versions you had from to compare on what got changed.
VectorViewer Cloud Storage and Multitenants
Standard Use Cases
  • Standard government tax forms that you have to generate to all of your user employees at the year end such as W2,W3, 1099R, 1099M,1096,1040 Form 941, Form 940 and much more.
  • Any internal documents that you want to send out to all of your users using a predefined template.